My Life Through the Eyes of a Toiler

Drink Water

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We all know that drink water is an important thing… but the question is when?, or how?

In Japan is popular drink water just after wake up, why? because it helps to your body, to have no problems after. It helps you to have no headaches, any hurts on the body, any sickness with the eye, ear, nose, and cancer, for women helps you with the menstruation.

Here is one tip:

  • When you wake up, before you wash your teeth drink 5.5 oz.
  • Wash your teeth, but wait until 45 minutes to eat something.
  • After any breakfast, dinner, wait 2 hours without drinking or eating.

This tip doesn’t affect to your body, at the beginning is normal that you have to go to the restroom many times.

Another thing about water is that drink cold water is not always a bad thing. When you drink cold water the fat on your body can get solid and is harder to go to the restroom, that is why Chinese people drink hot tea when they are eating to have a good digestion. After a while this fat can cause cancer.

Now the only thing that you can do for your body is drink water, it is not for me, it is for you too.

Written by Michael

October 16, 2009 at 10:11 am

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My interview with him was short and simple… he told me a little about himself, such as how he got into playing th Trumpet and his first every time here at Manual… which was when he was like 5.

Well I think if you really want to know more about B.S.(damn his initials sound bad hahaha)the you should talk to him yourself ”cause he’s a really cool dude.

Written by guyver13

October 16, 2009 at 12:00 am

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Well this post will be as the title suggest, ANYTHING!! Lets get started shall we: oh oh oh, the swine flu vaccine  its like a vacuum, it SUCKS!!

Damn Argentina barely made it to the World Cup, oh and Mexico is looking pretty fresh these last couple of days.

Oh dudes Trivium is coming to L.A. again!! Hell yes, they’ll be preforming with Chimaira, and Hatebreed I think eh who cares about them its flippin Trivium that I wanna see.

GOSH DARN IT!! Man yesterday me and Benjamin saw these 5 little hipsters and man were they annoying… but it was funny when they tried hitting on these 2 girls and they were haha embarrassed and quickly turned down hahaha.

Man I want an ice mocha from Starbucks right now… maybe a cookie haha… man I love listening to music in the dark late at night, it soothes me and I really start paying attention to the lyrics.

This class has been kind of fun, but when Antero comes well I just can’t seem to concentrate, so if I fail its all Anteros fault!!

I miss hanging with Skullfyre…. =(

Written by guyver13

October 15, 2009 at 11:47 pm

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The Universe…

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Such a small world, but yet such a vast I guess “room” is what you can call it. But most people call it the Universe. It fascinates me because we know so little of what’s out in our own Universe… but what can we even call a universe? Is there just one? Well those will be answered in due time I believe… but until then I’ll give you a little over view of what I think of the subject.

The Universe! 13 billion years old and 10 billion light years in diameter. The Universe comprises everything that physically exists, the entirety of space andtime, all forms of matter and energy, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. However, the term Universe may be used in slightly different contextual senses, denoting such concepts as the cosmos, the world, or Nature. But enough of the “facts”, sometimes I wonder, “maybe the universe is just a (room) full of kid aka “Galaxies”, maybe this is just a prototype that some greater force is experimenting on and wants to use the trail and error method.

Are we being watched from Uranus(hahaha), or Saturn? Well I’m not saying that there’s a alien race called the Zorgonites who created this universe and named it Zion XKZ-13 and they plan on using Humans as some freak bio-experiment like using our brain stems as an energy source and that thats our soul purpose. Any who thats besides the point.

Anyway I think the Universe will reveal all its secrets soon and well I’m glad for who ever’s alive to see it.

Written by guyver13

October 15, 2009 at 11:21 pm

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This thing we call life goes by so quickly. One day your here, the next you can be 6 feet under. And for that reason is why we should make the most of our lives and not take it for granted and/or question our existence. I’ve heard of people who spend their whole lives complaining about their lives are cruddy or pointless, and I think to myself “oh my god, what a waste .” Then there are the people who live their lives to fullest and don’t cloud their minds with any questions such as, “Why am I here?, Where did we come from?, What’s next after this life? What’s the point of life?”… and so on and so forth. I believe that everyone has to, wait needs to, live their lives to the fullest and embrace what ever life throws at them.

Written by guyver13

October 15, 2009 at 10:46 pm

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Excellent quotes!

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Hello, I just found these quotes and I want to share them  with all of you! Excellent quotes..I just put 15 but you can find more if you follow this link

1.A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. — Fr. Jerome Cummings

2.Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.– Albert Camus

3.Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good you must one hundred try. — Claude Mermet

4.Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. – Albert Einstein

5.You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
Author: Plato

6.Arguing with a fool proves there are two. – Doris M. Smith

7.It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.– Babe Ruth

8..Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.–Jim Ryun

9.A successful person is a dreamer whom someone believed in. — Unknown Source

10.Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, “Yes,” and hope will reappear. — Monroe Forester

11.When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.–Pauline R. Kezer

12.Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

13.When someone tells me there is only one way to do things, it always lights a fire under my butt. My instant reaction is, “I’m going to prove you wrong!” — Picabo Street

14.You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.  — Darwin P. Kingsley

15.There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself. — Michael F. Staley

Written by karenchepio

October 15, 2009 at 9:07 pm

Posted in Education

$900 extra a year is postponed for further study in business and engineering

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There is an article that says that UC”s are thinking in adding $900 a year for engineering and business. which of course in my opinion is unfair since if they ask for more money students that are thinking in getting those careers are going to be lacked of that dream. Many students want to go to college and many want to become engineers and businesspeople, and if they approve this proposal, they will have to pay more for their education. UC’s are wonderful, but if they put this proposal they are going to choose other universities instead of them.

Written by karenchepio

October 15, 2009 at 8:08 pm

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This test nt eeds to be passed in order for us to graduate, and if we don’t we could not graduate. I also don’t consider it fair that students that just needed one point to pass had to retake the test.  For example my friend Viviana, she only needed one point to pass the English section, so this year she has to retake it. Whoever made that rule or whatever it is that you HAVE  to have 350 points to pass is really messed up. Because of that alot of students don’t graduate or need to retake it.

Written by ososa1

October 15, 2009 at 7:05 pm

Posted in Manual Arts

Thursday=Thor’s day

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The Naming of the Days

The Greeks named the days week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets, which were in turn named after the gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. The Greeks called the days of the week the Theon hemerai “days of the Gods”. The Romans substituted their equivalent gods for the Greek gods, Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn. (The two pantheons are very similar.) The Germanic peoples generally substituted roughly similar gods for the Roman gods, Tiu (Twia), Woden, Thor, Freya (Fria), but did not substitute Saturn.

Sunday-Sun’s Day

Monday-Moon’s Day

Tuesday-Tiu’s Day… Tiu (Twia) is the English/Germanic god of war and the sky. He is identified with the Norse god Tyr.

Wednesday-Woden’s day …Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Woden is the leader of the Wild Hunt. Woden is from wod “violently insane”,”headship”. He is identified with the Norse Odin.

Thursday- Thor’s day…Thor is the Norse god of thunder. He is represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer Miölnir. He is the defender of the Aesir, destined to kill and be killed by the Midgard Serpent.

Friday-Freya’s day…Freya (Fria) is the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and fecundity (prolific procreation). She is identified with the Norse god Freya. She is leader of the Valkyries and one of the Vanir. She is confused in Germany with Frigg.

Saturday-Saturn’s day…Saturn is the Roman and Italic god of agriculture and the consort of Ops. He is believed to have ruled the earth during an age of happiness and virtue.

Written by ms.puffyhair

October 15, 2009 at 1:03 pm

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Warren mother gets six-year sentence for drugging kids’ hot chocolate, then setting house ablaze

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I read an article about a woman in Michigan that has been sentenced to at least six years in prison for drugging her children’s hot chocolate before setting their house on fire.           

Macomb County Circuit Judge David Viviano on Thursday sentenced 33-year-old Tanya Friedly to six to 20 years in prison. He also barred her from contacting her son and daughter, who now live with a guardian. 

Just imagine you and your mother in the same situation how horrible for her children’s  now she is going to be jail  and the children’s with a guardian that might not be family with the children’s a incredible history but, possible to happen at it did happende with  Tanya Friedly and her children’s.

Written by yoshy1991

October 15, 2009 at 12:43 pm

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