My Life Through the Eyes of a Toiler

The Moon!!

with 3 comments

What a surprise!! The misile hit the moon but after that everything is back to normal. Why would the moon have to do anything with the problems we have here on Earth. We humans should pay more attention and help each other out instead of hitting the innocent moon. I am quiet concern about the misile hitting the moon. If the misile really made a hole on the moon, would it affect us in any way? Hopefully not because we need the moon.Furthermore, if I’m not mistaken, USA is the first country to send a misile on the Moon. !!Go Figure!! Well, while we live, we should enjoy the bright unique Moon at night.

Written by sosa36

October 14, 2009 at 11:26 am

Posted in Manual Arts

3 Responses

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  1. I agree man, the government is getting too unreasonable bro. Next thing you know they’ll try to take control of suns energy and use it for our benenefit, which I doubt, NASA should be stripped of their funding if they continue to do these stupid projects!!!


    October 14, 2009 at 12:03 pm

  2. Yeah you are right when you say we should enjoy the moon. The moon is like our star and I do not know why people are interested in finding something on the moon when it might be better to leave like that. I do not agree with our behavior. You know, instead of exploiting the moon we should try to find cures for those people who are sick. Or we should invest that money in people that really want to help the humanity.What about as you say, if we get affected for trying this kind of things.Well I love to see the moon at nights.


    October 14, 2009 at 10:56 pm

  3. I think that that thed the moon is really important to us an the Earth. I hope this project doesn’t affect us in anyway. I also agree with guyver13 that if NASA keeps doing this , then they shouldn’t be funded.


    October 15, 2009 at 6:55 pm

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